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What is Truth?


Truth is perhaps one of the most disregarded things in the world today. From childhood and on into adulthood, there are those that only tell lies. Others may explain that truth is not the same for everyone and that your conscience is your guide (1 Tim.4:1-3). However, there are some truths that everyone can surely know.

The Bible explains that truth is consistent, conclusive and complete. The Word of God has never changed from the beginning, in that, God told man to obey Him then, even so He says to obey now (Ex.19:5; Heb.5:9). The Word of God is conclusive, providing evidence that there is indeed God and His faithfulness (Gen.1:1; I Pet.4:19).

We are to believe in Him, and obey His Word (Heb.11:6). The Word of God is true, because it is complete, or finished (2 Tim.3:16-17). Christ said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Jn.8:32).