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Almost every time you turn on your TV or perhaps get on the internet, you may see something dealing with war, coming economic crisis, political scandal, murders, and other things that all portray turmoil.  Unfortunately, even inside each life, there has been, or is going to be unrest. 

Peace is highly sought after today, and always will be.  As Christians, we have that peace.  Christ is the Prince of Peace (Isa.9:6).  We are called to peace through the gospel (I Cor.7:15, Rom.10:15). His peace conquers tribulation (Jn.16:33). 

This peace passes all understanding, and will keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil.4:7).  We are told to seek peace (I Pet.3:11).  We can have peace with ourselves (Col.3:15), with others (Rom.14:19), and with God (Rom.5:1), through the cross of Christ (Col.1:20).  Those that are in Christ are now able to truly have peace.