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Chocolate Pie

     Those of you who know me know that I like chocolate pie. Don’t know how it began but my mother and my Aunt Olivia were both excellent chocolate pie makers and then I married the best pie baker. Then to top it off my Tennessee Mama, Miriam Harris, has always baked wonderful pies for our enjoyment. It is rare that I do not come home from a meeting without a chocolate pie.

      Recently, at the church building, I was told there was a pie in the refrigerator for me. Low and behold Sis. Trudy Andree had left a chocolate pie. In a recent meeting with the Smartt Church of Christ in Warren County, TN Bro. Doris Hughes, who preaches at Centertown, brought a bag and gave it to me. I didn’t ask what was in it because I knew it was a piece of chocolate pie. Bro. Hughes does that almost every time I am in the area. The last day of the meeting Bro. Ricky Burke, one of the preachers at Smartt, brought Janet and me a chocolate pie he had made that day. Good sisters at pot lucks for years have baked chocolate pies because they know I enjoy them.

      Now folks this article really isn’t about me or chocolate pies. This article is about “Thoughtfulness”. See all these folks I have mentioned plus countless others are thoughtful. These folks do those sort of things for others as well, and I just happened to be one of the recipients. Sis. Erlene Wright of the Bremen congregation always made pound cakes for the sick. Another example of “thoughtfulness”.

      A man gave a clerk a compliment by saying, “You have a beautiful smile and it was a pleasure buying a sandwich from you.” The young lady smiled and replied, “Nobody ever tells me that.” It reminds you of the account in Luke 17 when Jesus cleansed the ten lepers and only one returned to give thanks.

      Of course Jesus was the epitome of thoughtfulness. In his death, on the cross, he said, “Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother” (John 19:27).

      Can we find more ways to be thoughtful?
