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In writing to the Romans, Paul pens, “I am debtor both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians; both to the wise and to the unwise” (Rom.1:14) Paul was in debt, in that, he owed a monstrous obligation, even as we do today. 

We are indebted to God, since He made the world (Gen.1:1) and created man (Gen.1:27; 2:7).  God blesses us (Jam.1:17).  Man is to pay this debt by glorifying God (Ecc.12:13; Mt.5:16).  We are in debt to Christ for His sacrifice for us (I Pet.2:24) as well as left us an example by which to live (I Pet.2:21). 

We should attempt to repay this by following Him and by preaching to others (Mt.16:24; Rom.1:14-16).  Each of us is indebted to our parents, who cared for us and made sacrifices for us. 

We must reflect honor upon them in our lives (II Tim.1:5), and, if we are blessed enough to have a Christian parent or parents who have taken a special interest in our Christian lives.  We are indebted to them to teach our children about God and Christ as each of them have done for us.