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The Really Important People In Our Lives

“The Really Important People In Our Lives”

There are important people in the lives of each one of us. Some are more important than others. Those who have loving families would count the families as being most important. In addition there are others whose lives have affected us to one extent or another. There may have been friends who encouraged us in time of doubt, a teacher who helped us learn a skill or a supervisor who inspired us to “reach for the stars.” As we look about us we see many important people, but recognize that their effect on our lives is only slight. Someone stated, “Nobody remembers who finishes second.” But how often do we remember the winners?

We probably couldn’t name the three richest men in America or the three top-selling musical artists. The reason the naming of these people are so difficult is because they do not affect us in our daily lives. We may hear about them but the applause ends the achievements are forgotten.

Contrast those people with the people who have taught us God’s word, the teacher who helped us learn to read and those who encouraged us when we were down. The people who are really important in our lives are not those who have the banner headlines, but those who care enough about us to involve themselves in our lives.

The lesson is clear…strive to be important in the lives of others by helping them to know God’s word. The apostle Paul reminds us, “…by love serve one another.” (Gal. 5:13)

Submitted by Gary Culbreath
