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By Eddie Cox

When I was a little boy, we lived in the country. Maryann and I wanted some popcorn but we had none. Mother told me if I would go to the store and get some we could have some popcorn. The only problem was that it was dark outside and the store was miles away (a block or so). Being in the first grade, I was afraid of the dark, but if I didn’t go we would not get any popcorn. So I put on my toy guns, holster and my cowboy hat and out in the dark I went. My hands were on my guns all the way to and from the store. I wanted my mother or dad to go with me, but they were teaching me a lesson about not being afraid in the dark.

Later in life I learned that sin is darkness and out Father is the light to hide the darkness. Jesus is the Almighty “Father”. He is not only all-powerful, He is our Father. When your sins are breaking your heart…remember it’s a Father who judges you. When feebleness of your service depresses you, set your mind on the fact that you serve a Father who is eager to be pleased by you.

God is no conclusion to an argument. He is not an equation, He is a tender Father! We don’t have to go out in the darkness of life or death without a Father. He who knows the Father best said, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” Do we need assurance? The tender and forgiving Christ faithfully reflects the Father and says, “The Father Himself loves you!”

“Father, hear thy children’s call
Humbly at thy feed we fall,
Prodigals, confessing all:
We beseech thee, hear us”.

By Thomas B. Pollack