“Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:38). So you are looking for a church? Where are you looking? Most are searching for a church like they would look for a car dealership.
A couple wants to purchase a new car so the husband and wife, or individually, get in their minds what they for instance want, make and model, extras such as leather seats, heated seats, color type etc. They then get in their mind what they are wanting to pay. The search begins! Not a bad way to buy an automobile. But disastrous if you look for a church the same way.
The church has been purchased with the blood of Jesus (Acts 20:28). God will save it (1 Cor. 15:24). I am saved in the church! I cannot go to heaven outside the church. This is not a car, house or pair of shoes but my soul. So what do many people look for in a church?
Do I feel comfortable rather than, “What is right?” Paul said, “For do I now persuade
Am I entertained or do I have to participate? I like their music! I like the band! I like the choir! The worship assembly is to worship God (John 4:24) not to entertain the
What will this church do for me rather than what can I add to this
To the world, looking for a church is like looking for a grocery store. Some treat it that way. This week I go to Kroger (XYZ denomination) but next week I will go to Publix (ABC denomination). There is only one church (Eph. 4:4). It is not like a car dealership or grocery store. You have only one choice and that is the church of Christ choice, the church of Christ, the church that belongs to Christ. Let the Bible be your guide in your selection.