Hazel Eula (Merriman) Acuff, 1909-1999 gave birth to James Larry Acuff July 30, 1940. Celina Loma (Hensley) Kinnaird, 1904-1992 gave birth to Janet Ann Kinnaird April 27, 1942. These two mothers had one goal for their children – salvation. They did not know each other until 1961 still then their one goal for their children – salvation. Their lives centered in rearing their children to be faithful to the Lord. These children married on September 2, 1961.
Ma Kinnaird (as we affectionately called her), wanted daughter Janet, to always do what was right and work. If a boy had a “brand” (tattoo) he wasn’t going out with her daughter. She insisted that all her children work and do so at an early age. If you didn’t have a job she got you one. Church was the center of their life as almost every Sunday someone came home with them from church for Sunday dinner. She enjoyed having preachers in their home (That may be why her daughter didn’t want to marry a preacher). Visiting meeting preachers stayed in their home. Until the week she died Sunday dinner was a big day at “Ma’s”.
Hazel Acuff wanted her son to be a preacher. I have always said, “My mother wanted me to be a preacher and I wanted to be a bum. Now we are both happy, I’m a bum preacher.” Every time Mom met anybody and I was there the introduction went like this, “This is my baby and he’s a preacher.” She saw to it that her son attended every Bible school; every VBS in Chattanooga, TN, every activity that went on in the church, her son was going to be a part of it. When the list would go up at church to feed the visiting meeting preacher Hazel Acuff’s name was on that list. The last preacher she fed was Bro. B.C. Goodpasture, Editor of the Gospel Advocate. She bought me my first typewriter (I still can’t type) when I was fifteen so I could prepare the first church bulletin for the White Oak Church of Christ.
Advance many years later and the children of these two mothers, who had a goal for their salvation, are faithful Christians, with grandchildren, all of whom are Christians.
Janet and I were blessed with wonderful Christian mothers whom we loved and are thankful for their example and training and that their goal was our salvation.
Mother, what is your goal for your children?