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The Cost of Christianity

The Cost of Christianity

Christianity was bought at the highest price.  It cost God His Son (Jn.3:16; Rom.5:8), and cost Jesus His life (Heb.2:9; I Pet.2:24).

Christ told the multitude to count the cost before following Him (Lk.14:25-28).  Today, it costs man: forsaking of all (Lk.14:26; Mt.19:24); it comes at the cost of self-denial (Mt.16:24); as well as a life of sacrifice (Rom.12:1).

Christianity costs man his time and effort as it is a life of work (Phil.2:12); a life of teaching (II Tim.2:2); a life of suffering (II Tim.3:12); and a life of seeking the kingdom first (Mt.6:33). 

Are we spending enough of our time in service to God and in the study of His Word?