“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none” (Ezek. 22:30). God described the house of Israel as “dross” (vs. 18), as a land “not cleansed” (vs. 24), “her priests have violated my law and profaned mine holy things” (vs. 26), her princes are like “wolves” (vs. 27) and he continues with a litany of a people that have left God. He then made the declaration “I sought for a man among them” who would make a difference. Are we in this position today? We need men!
WE NEED MEN WHO WILL BE FATHERS. Fatherhood is more than being a biological donor. We need men in the home who will be the leader (Eph. 5:23), not just a financial contributor but one who will take the responsibility to teach and admonish their children and bring them up in the Lord (Eph. 6:4). Men lead the way. Lead your family to Bible school! Lead your family in Bible study at home! Lead your family in prayer! Set the example. “And I sought a man among them….”
WE NEED MEN WHO WILL BE LEADERS IN THE CHURCH. God placed the responsibility of leading the church on men (1 Tim. 3:1-8; 1 Pet. 5:1-4; Acts 20:28). Many congregations have no elders and when you inquire you hear, “Well Bro. So & So is qualified but he doesn’t want to become an elder.” Why? It takes time and effort. Men need to prepare themselves to be leaders. Men need to prepare themselves to be deacons. Some congregations no longer have deacons. Instead they have what is called “Ministry Leaders.” We need men! Step up to the plate! Could it be that some congregations are not growing because the leaders are so overburdened due to not having enough men who will qualify themselves to be elders and deacons? God has a plan that is revealed in his word and that plan is to have elders and deacons. In a matter of weeks any congregation can be without elders if it has not worked to teach and train men. You have three elders; one has to move because of a job, that leaves two and suddenly one of them passes. “And I sought a man among them….”
WE NEED MEN WHO WILL BE LEADERS IN OUR COMMUNITIES. Spiritual men! Godly men! Men of courage! Watch this! Men who are leaders in the home and leaders in the church have automatically become leaders in the community. How? They are leading their families. The greatest thing a community can have are men who are leading their homes. That is how you become a community leader. Take care of your family. Lead your family.
“And I sought a man among them who will make up the hedge….”