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“I Thank My God”

“I Thank My God”

An oft used phrase by the Apostle Paul in his writings was, “I thank my God…” and was generally followed by such statements as, “For your faith…”, “Upon every remembrance of you…” to the churches and individuals to whom he wrote. Paul was a man of thankfulness. Paul thanked others for their faith (Rom. 1:8), for their grace (1 Cor. 1:4), for their support of him (Phil. 1:3-5), for the memory of a person (2 Tim. 1:3). Like Paul we should always be thankful. We need to always be thankful for…

THOSE FAITHFUL DEDICATED CHRISTIANS WHO ALWAYS ATTEND EVERY SERVICE OF THE CHURCH (HEB. 10:25). It doesn’t matter what the weather is; whether it is hot, cold, rainy, sunny they are always there. On a rainy day they come in shaking the water off their umbrella and smiling. They come into the building on a cold day shivering. On a sunny day their smile may be a little brighter but it doesn’t matter. They are there. Thank God for these wonderful encouraging Christians.

THOSE FAITHFUL DEDICATED CHRISTIANS WHO ALWAYS GIVE SUPPORT TO WHAT-EVER THE CHURCH IS INVOLVED (1 Cor. 15:58). It doesn’t matter what the activity may be. It may be a work day, a wedding, a funeral, a baby shower, a wedding shower, a gospel meeting, a fellowship, a special class on a topic the elders have encouraged, a singing. They will show up. You don’t have to beg them, plead with them or coerce them. They are there. Yes, there are times when they too are on vacation, or sickness hinders them, or there is a family activity that may interfere, but otherwise you can be sure they will be there. Thank God for these wonderful encouraging Christians.

THOSE FAITHFUL DEDICATED CHRISTIANS WHO ALWAYS GIVE LIBERALLY OF THEIR MEANS (1 COR. 9:7). They give every Lord’s Day. If they go away on vacation the next week they double up, or they leave it with someone to contribute for them. If there is a special contribution for a good work of the congregation, they support it. If they are asked to give something to help a needy member, they do not hesitate to give. If the church is behind in the budget, they will give extra. If they get a bonus, they give extra. Thank God for these wonderful encouraging Christians.

THOSE FAITHFUL DEDICATED CHRISTIANS WHO ARE ALWAYS ENCOURAGING OTHERS (Heb. 10:24). Whether it’s the local preacher or a guest speaker, these people encourage. They compliment; they say words of encouragement. These folks are not critical. They don’t look for the mistakes but always there to hold up the hands of the elders, Bible school teachers, preachers, and good works. Thank God for these wonderful encouraging Christians.
As Paul wrote, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you” (Phil. 1:3). We thank God for these people.
