It has become a movement, The Community Church Movement. It probably started with The Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois or The Saddleback Community Church in Southern California started by Rick Warren. Actually, Saddleback is a Southern Baptist (Don’t tell anyone), because they prefer folks not know this because people are turned off by denominational names. Some in our brotherhood are inclined in this direction. So, here is how it’s done.
Second, introduce instrumental music into your worship. Then defend it with a silly argument that “You cannot use the silence of the scriptures to say instrumental music is wrong.” What? See since the Old Testament was a shadow of things to come and in the Old Testament they used the instrument, therefore the instrument in the Old Testament is a shadow for us today to open the door for the use of the instrument since the New Testament doesn’t mention its use. I didn’t take logic in college but that doesn’t seem to even be logical thinking. If you use that argument, then you must confine your instruments to those approved by God in the Old Testament. Many of these folks do not know what the Old Testament says about the instrument (read: Numbers 10:1-2, 8, 10; 1 Chron. 16:4-6; 1 Chron. 28:11-13,19; 2 Chron. 29:25-29). If you are going to use the Old Testament, then do it the way God said. So if you want to become a community church, argue for the instrument to be used in the assembly.
Third, let your worship be an entertainment venue. Advertise your bands, advertise your swaying and hand clapping so that folks will know that the purpose is not to satisfy God but to please
You can become a Community Church, but that’s all it will be. It will not be the church of the Bible, the one body (Eph. 4:4), the church of God (2 Cor. 1:1), the church Jesus died for (Eph. 5:25), the church Jesus will save (1 Cor. 15:24). All you have is a place where folks go to be entertained and be lost eternally (Mt. 15:13).