“Growing Churches or Saving”
Church growth is the Lord’s business…”The Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). Let no man assume control of the Lord’s business. So called experts in church growth, do not know as much as our Lord knows about who should be added to His church. The church’s role in church growth is to preach the saving gospel to the lost. Jesus will know who should be a member of His church. The church must focus on its role in saving the lost. Jesus Christ said, “GO.” The church says “COME.” To obey the Lord, the church we must: 1) Love The lost 2) Seek the lost 3) Teach the lost.
People may not know they are lost. It is easy to be lost in sin and not know it. We as a church must show the people lost in sin the way out. The gospel is the Lord’s power to save the lost (Rom. 1:16). Let’s be sure it’s the gospel we’re preaching to the lost and let the Lord grow His church by adding the souls that we lead out of a lost and dying world.
Submitted by Gary Culbreath