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Am I Faithful With My Time?

Brother Larry preached a powerful sermon Sunday about being faithful in the Lord‟s work and in our attendance. Not many preachers will stand in the pulpit these days and preach a sermon to encourage us to always be faithful in all things. He did not sugar coat his words or try to make everyone feel ok about how they view attending worship service. I can speak for the Elders at Lithia Springs; we appreciate a preacher who will preach the truth no matter how it may make us feel. Some preachers don‟t want to rock the boat or make some feel like they need to change their thinking. We are proud to have a minister of the Gospel to stand up and speak up for biblical truths.

A good soldier spends all his waking hours focused upon his duty, whether it is guard duty or combat. Often as Christ‟s soldiers we are diverted from our duty as disciples of Christ. Do we let such things as ball games, recreation or general laziness keep us from at-tending the worship of our King? Do we allow the television set to keep us from studying God‟s word? Our hobbies and even our “work” (a loosely defined term to include the un-necessary) can become an excuse for not visiting the sick or encouraging the spiritually ill. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier (2 Timothy 2:4). Time must not become our master, for we have only one Master (Matt. 6:24).

Brethren, when they lower our remains into the grave will the common refrain be, “He was a faithful Christian”. When we breathe our last breath the enlistment in the Lord‟s army will be over. Will we then stand before our Commander and hear these words: 21 His lord said to him, „Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.‟ (Matt. 25:21)?

(Sermon referenced was February 21, 2016) Submitted by Gary Culbreath